Transitional Guidance. A Model For Vocational / Career
Guidance and
Socio-Occupational in schools. A proposal for action
A. Brunal, Asociación Colombiana de Especialistas en Orientación
Educativa (ACDEOE)
concerning this article should be addressed to Amilkar Brunal, E-mail: Asociación Colombiana de Especialistas en Orientación
Educativa (ACDEOE) Cra 27 a N° 53-06 of 501. Bogotá Colombia.
After reviewing models and contemporary strategies used in recent years in the
Vocational / professional and Socio-Occupational Guidance in Latin America and
the development of a field study in 20 schools in the formal education system
in Bogotá D.C, is presented in this article a proposed "Existential Ethics
Model for Vocational / Professional and
Socio-Occupational Guidance in schools from a transitional approach, which is
conceived as a pedagogical strategy interdisciplinary mayéutico type of human
sciences (psychology, pedagogy, Sociology), transverse process of "human
Development in School," based on
the study of human actions vocational / professional-type Socio-occupational,
in personal Inter-and Intra-Economic-media personal relationships. This
proposal offers a methodology for studying the transitional events of an
academic nature and socio-occupational and build spaces of reflection and
action on major transitions from academia to the working world studying each of
the factors affecting the life trajectories. Critical analysis of the social,
academic and occupational discourse of contemporary society personal
self-analytical methods, and methods for school development in their staff,
academic and psychosocial dimensions: methods such as proposed. Adaptations of
the concept of "Transitionally" of D. Winnicott curricular context
apply to interpreting these cycles as transitional spaces and life projects as
transitional objects themselves associated with transitional objects understood
as degrees or certifications that legitimize the transitions between academia
and the world of formal employment.
Keywords: Transitional Guidance, Vocational Guidance /
Professional Orientation Socio-occupational.
Between August 2009 and June 2011, the Ministry
of Education of Bogotá, advanced a pilot
studio in 20 officials schools in the Capital District. A qualitative and
quantitative approach from the perspective of discourse analysis was assumed and
supplemented with fieldwork in these schools. The "career choice" was
understood as the need satisfier “To be" objectified in the needs of
" To have", “To Do" and "Being". Outcomes as found
fall into three conceptual rationales: The Naive rationality Official Instrumental
rationality and communicative rationality as a conceptual alternative relevant
to the construction of appropriate models for vocational/ professional guidance
students from district schools. Among the most important conclusions of the
study found the following:
In principle an official speech since
Instrumental rationality (government institutions, department of education,
Secretariat of Education, Ministry of Economic Development and private
agencies) with a marked "Social Determinism" about the topic
"Higher Education identified technical - technology and its relation to
Employability "(socio-occupational orientation) based on the perspective
of the needs of production of the regions but includes the needs of"
Livelihood and Social Protection ", assumes the project theme of life
widely from the perspective of Human (Subsistence, Protection, Affection,
Identity, Understanding, Freedom, Participation, Creation, entertainment)
needs, or consider the need for development of specialized science and technology
as major factor in developing countries.
On behalf of the students participating in the
surveys regarding their interest in the three levels of higher education
offered in the country, (professional technical, technological and professional
and University Professional education) found the following distribution
5.6%, 14% and 80%, demonstrating the high
interest of students in higher education programs university-type, as opposed
to the interest of the governing educational institutions of formal education.
As worldviews studied in school the distribution was as follows: 12% define
their worldview towards life as "hedonistic" type, 7.4% social determinists,
7% Nihilists, highlighting the self-defined school population as exis-tencialist
In the imagination of middle school education,
compared to higher education, vocational majority trend towards higher
education, "university" was observed with a certain contempt for
Technical and Technological Education considering it lower quality than that of
university type offered by the state and lower status which is associated with
opportunities for social advancement and generally not in line with their
expectations of personal and social development.
Regarding the role of school counselors, it was
found that currently in some cases it is assumed that: such issue "is
solely at the level of secondary education", rationality cannot find a
meaning to the subject in basic education and at both simply evade, further
supported by the multiple roles that are assigned to the position, mainly those
related to immediate attention to the bio psychosocial alerts (abuse and / or
sexual exploitation, Academic Underachievement, suicidal Behavior, addictive
behaviors, food Dysfunctions Conflict in-school, Labor Exploitation in
children, domestic violence, malnutrition, etc.), which are monitored in
schools and other administrative functions assigned to them sometimes exceeding
its statutory functions.
Moreover Vocational / Career Guidance in the
secondary level, an eclectic approach is mainly focused on individual decision
making process with some psycho incidence (applying a standardized psychometric
test or not), a pale reflection model Organizational type is aimed at
evaluation of academic skills for certain fields of study. These interventions
are complemented by widespread actions informational type, including feedback
from test status to that applied in the eleventh grade and organization or
membership called "fairs Universities" is in those offered the
programs each of them.
In other cases the subject "Vocational
Guidance / Professional" is articulated or diluted without more clarity
criteria in any of the versions of the educational program called "Project
Life" as an integrative model of thematic and cross sub-projects with a
strong emphasis on Personal development (Self Image, Self-Esteem,
Self-Empowerment) hinged in some cases projects "Sexual Education"
(PES), the project "Con-experience, Democracy and Human Rights", the project
"Social Service Required "and professor of Ethics and Values.
This last conclusion, generate to the researchers of study, a number of
concerns regarding the models approaches and strategies applicable to the
theme: "Facing vocational / professional and socio-occupational" in
schools. As stated Esperanza Bausela Herreras citing Rodríguez (1995):
"... we are moving in a field characterized mainly by the conceptual
ambiguity" understood in part by the diversity of academic training of approximately
1,200 professionals working in Bogota, from different disciplines
(Psychologists, Educational psychologists, social workers, speech therapists,
occupational therapists and re-educational pedagogy) with intent inter-disciplinarily,
serving an estimated population of 1,000,000 school students and their
families, generates some kind of paradigmatic revolutions in terms of Kuhn, the
juxtaposition of the problem-oriented paradigm of positivist foundational
science field (psychology, counseling, social work) with the human development
paradigm (Bisquerra, 1992) remains.
In the everyday context of School and
Vocational Guidance in Bogotá DC, you can easily fall into at least one of the
traps mentioned by Finn T Hansen (2005), (psychologism, moralism and
instrumentalism): "The instrumentalism" understood from the Simple
intuitive field of counseling colloquial or the instrumental role of management
agendas guest speakers, or educational activism lacking a sound methodological
and conceptual support, encouraging counselor blurred image, which is far from
that of a professional of humanities or social sciences, educational sciences
or health sciences, making significant contributions to the school environment
and how relevant agent focused on the realization of the academic,
social-emotional and school personnel.
For these and other reasons, this program
Vocational/Career Guidance, intends to implement social and educational
research as critical praxis not only for Vocational Guidance, but for all areas
of application of the educational approach, which allows to establish lines
fundamental basis for self-knowledge, social and academic knowledge of the
conditions in which human actions occur vocational type and build "life
projects" as third zones for existence.
This urgent need for operational definitions of
base, leading the researchers to propose operational definitions apply both to
the field of Vocational /Professional orientation and socio-occupational in
particular, as well as for School guidance so general possible models and
contemporary design appropriate school populations not only grades of secondary
education, but from the earliest stages of basic education.
It is for these reasons that an initial process
definition is drawn. "School Guidance and Counseling," defined as a
multidisciplinary field of applied social sciences (sociology, psychology) and
Education Sciences (Psychology), which aims to build pedagogical processes
enhancing human development in schools, on Personal, socio-affective and academic
areas; consistent with the identifying characteristics of the school population
(gender identity, sexual identity, role identity, ethnic identity, racial,
religious, etc.) Identities are constructed in each age cycle (Cycles
age-related bio psychosocial development of school) and corresponding level of
This work seeks to contribute to the search for
our own models of Latin American contexts constructed from action research with
a hermeneutic gaze in schools of "Vocational/Professional Guidance"
which are necessary but insufficient to meet the challenges involving
transitions of contemporary life. "Transitional Guidance" proposed
action research presented in this article, derived from field work cited in
public schools called existential ethical model.
This work seeks to contribute to the search for
our own models of Latin American contexts constructed from action research with
a hermeneutic gaze in schools of "Vocational/ Professional Guidance"
which are necessary but insufficient to meet the challenges involving
transitions of contemporary life. "Transitional
Guidance existential ethical Model
" is derivate from of field work and theoretical analysis.
Objective. This article presents and discusses
the conceptual, methodological and didactic elements of the proposal to the
school setting called "transitional Orientation". This proposal is
based on the theoretical principles of authors such as the Alternative Noble
Prize-winning economist Manfred Max -Neef (from Chile) the “Development theory
to human scale), D. Winnicott (transitional object), L. Kohlberg (Theory of Moral
development) primarily. In the case of this article we will deal with those transitional
events Academic and Socio-occupational (academic transitions to employment)
reviewing different approaches, models and contemporary strategies.
Conceptual Elements
As a basis for the study and intervention model
"transitional Orientation", various operational definitions that have
been recently qualifying due to the participation of colleagues from the
"Latin American Journal of Counseling and Human Development" such as
Gabriela Vázquez case of Argentina are built .
Educational Guidance
"We view education as a pedagogical
orientation act that is not restricted to the school context (school Guidance),
but human action is as widely applicable in those social settings where
professional advice is required, to enhance the human being in all its
existential dimensions. This process, which can take place at any time of life,
recognizes the relevance of multi and interdisciplinary intervention, thus
assuming the involvement of all related to the human sciences professionals as
well as other relevant actors to achieve this end".
Socio-Occupational Orientation
is understood in
this context as the instrumental process counseling to students of secondary
education and graduates of education secondary-ria focused on satisfying labor
demand of the corporate sector in the short to medium term. This process does
not work as priority selection transcendental vocational aspect (wanting to be)
if the qualifications of job skills required for the particular context and the
availability of candidate (skills).
Professional vocation
From a naive rationality, the construction of
vocational field structure under the simple definition of motivational innate
inclination towards one type of occupation labor, mainly for reasons of
character unconscious Guichard (1995) that become the foundation for addressing
projects life in adulthood and the need to continue configuring this vocation
from the perspective of "Want To Be" (Desire), sometimes against
social conceptions of "Must be." After a brief exercise of conceptual
reconciliation, the concept of "Professional Vocation" as a
conjunction of “Should Be” become the "Want to be" in the "Power
to be" arises. Ballester (1999)"The
Vocational / Career Guidance" can be defined as a process of
pedagogical advice to the phenomenon of “existential
search for meaning” and the social construction of life projects. This
transitional task is through the conceptualization and implementation of human
actions vocational-professional type and / or socio-occupational, in order to
achieve optimal development of human potential in all its dimensions, making
them manifest in ethical projects satisfactory to himself and socially engaged.
This process promotes self-awareness and identifying Intrapersonal resources (evaluative attitudes, skills, learning,
expectations, worldviews, motivations, interests, goals), Interpersonal resources (nearest school community) and Institutional resources (governmental and/nongovernmental
organizations), affecting making ethical, authentic, healthy and sustainable
choices in social, academic or professional work contexts.
Returning to the basic definitions of
"educational guidance" and "Vocational Guidance /
Professional", the "Transitional Guidance" is defined in this proposal,
as a counseling program and relevant accompanying the-existential axiological
needs of schools in each academic and socio transitions experienced in the
trajectories in the academic world and into the work world.
Due to that it can be considered premature to
apply in childhood or school age (5-12 years) the concepts of "career
choice or decision" or even more premature the concept of
"occupational choice", the term "Transitional Guidance" is
built on which arises as a conceptual category that includes ordering above the
main phenomena that involve any significant change to the path of social life
of social beings in school or academic and professional fields. This concept
includes locative transitions, Socioaffective transitions (Commitments, marriage,
separation, etc.) academic transitions
type, socio-occupational transitions (at the workplace) and socio-occupational and
Vocational/Professional transitions as to be continued social constructs, which
are experienced during the life of people in industrialized societies. Includes
the study of the principle ways in which these phenomena are experienced as
change the life trajectories.
So included in this concept the main approaches
to assess transitions from academia to employment: The Vocational/ Career
guidance and the "Socio-Occupational Guidance in their appropriate times"
.It differs therefore Occupational guidance, from vocational guidance as the first orientation is geared to the
"work" in the words of Hannah Arendt (2009) and the satisfaction of
interests and needs of the labor market, occupations not necessarily obey a
voluntary choice but to situational factors economic (subsistence, protection)
while the "Vocational guidance" involves a process of counseling
directly related to the construction of "Power Being" existential
through synergistic implementation of all axiological needs (subsistence, Protection,
Affection, Identity, understanding, Freedom, Participation, Creation,
Recreation) according to Max-Neef, by building projects ethical, authentic and
sustainable livelihoods are built by "work" and "action".
The phenomenon of transitionally of Winnicott, D. W. cited by Barreiro (2009) directly involved in the deliberate
construction of projects of social life as a whole "Human Actions"
according to the conceptualization of Hanna Arendt, cited by Vasquez and Henao
objective here (2009) proposed the feature of "action" as essentially
human characteristic "that" defines human life in its political
dimension "as an essential condition of humanity and oriented social
construction" Being able to "middle the existential conflict
"Should Be-Want To Be", which in turn involves at least three basic
elements: transitional Spaces, transitional objects the and transitional
The Transitional
Spaces are raised
as the correlation between the subject and the world (op cit), defined as
"third zone" interspace between "intra-psychic" and the
outside world to the subject which allows the development of subjective desire
field of encounter with others, allowing experimentation with generating
potentials vital actions intentionally objectified experience in academia as
age-Learning teaching cycles.
The Transitional
objects, constitute
requirements for accessing a next cycle of training (transitional space) and /
or employment, connote a marked symbolic legitimizing the transit of a
transitional space to another, usually accompanied by social discourses that
demonstrate compliance with commitments made by the education system and the
family for the benefit of society and seek to predict a higher level of social
performance and / or academic and social mobility more likely.
Transitional Events are understood as events
socio-academic official recognitions for academic transitions (graduations and
/ or promotions) that certify the labor potential and support the student to
assume a higher level of commitment and social responsibility.
The Notion of
While it is not intended in this paper to
address in depth discussion of the concept of "Being" is chosen by
the sense of Ortega y Gasset, cited by José Ferrater Mora (1941)
"Becoming" when refers to "Being" a project, a need for
transcendental realization directly related to the world of life, opportunities
to be what it takes to be in the social world. In the words of Ortega y Gasset:
"I am not a thing but a drama, a struggle to become what I have to
be." Moreover, proposed by Edgar Morin (The principles of exclusion and
inclusion), cited by Vasquez and Fernández (2009) seek to establish elements of
conceptual reference points to build an interactive view of the subject. Being
consistent with Ortega y Gasset, define the "Professional Vocation"
as: "The need for personal achievement: Power" be "the person to
fully develop their potential through the implementation of projects of
ethical, authentic and sustainable life for belonging to the social
environments in which they can serve society optimally.
The conceptual framework that is assumed for
the study of "human action type" Vocational/
Professional-Socio-occupational "while social representations constructed
from categories of existential analysis proposed by Max-Neef, aiming the
subjective dimension of "Being" in objetivables dimensions: To Do, To
Have, and to Be.
Figure 1: Representation of
the social construction of "Human actions of type" Vocational / Professional-Socio-occupational”
Anchoring under the
"Transitional Guidance", builds on the categories, Academic
Development (To Do), Intra-Personal Development (To have) and Interpersonal
Development and socio-emotional (To Be /
Belonging) respectively, under the conflict existential "Should Be-Wanting
to be" that tends to resolve in the dimension of "Power being”. It
develops the anchor on the psychological axes (Intra-Personal Development),
pedagogical development (academic development) and sociological
(socio-emotional development).
Figure 2. Should Be, To
Have, To Do, To Be/Belong
Personal Development
Academic development
/Belong to
Social Role of
Vocational / Professional Orientation and Socio-Occupational
Discussed in the conceptual framework of the
proposal, issues such as: The role of social and socio-Professional
Occupational counseling, as a control mechanism of society posed by Plant and
Thomsen (2011) in Denmark in relation to the determination resignation of paper
orientation as "soft social control", which can be exercised from the
field, which could denote certain character of symbolic violence as political
positions agency found are assumed by the media power to promote certain trends
in socio-academic development in detriment of others, a situation that is
experienced in cases where it is favored by economic subsidies and even free of
professional technical and technological education by establishing differential
conditions very favorable compared to university education.
Media and demagogic way, these seem narrow
social gaps in social discourse when three types of vocational training,
Technical / Professional, Technology / Professional and Vocational College are
built, recognizing the three professional character, but with the fundamental
purpose of maintaining the "status quo" in a class society, directly
correlated to the respective financing capabilities of each of these levels of
higher education from the three classes that are usually divided society (low,
medium high).
Returning theoretical elements presented, the
proposed "Existential Ethics descriptive model for socio-occupational,
vocational / professional orientation in
schools as a pedagogical strategy mayéutico and with interdisciplinary approach to human sciences
(psychology, Psychology, Sociology) is presented in this work, as a transverse
process of "Human Development in
School," based on the study of personal and Inter-media "Human
Actions" vocational/professional-type and Socio-occupational "in Intra-personal
relations, which facilitate the construction of spaces of existential
reflection as opposed to models that emphasize on providing answers to
questions that the students have not yet developed in their life trajectory.
Transitional Guidance proposes as fundamental
methodology, building Bio-psychosocial analysis systems, academic and
occupational (Orientation Axis) which allow consider critically the ethical
features (Theory of social “Should Be” ) and ethical-ideological society of the second
industrialization "in relation to axiological-existential Human Needs,
personal desires (Theory of desire) and attitudinal / behavioral and cognitive
characteristics of students (Personality Psychology) as social beings and
depending on the construction of its projects life as transitional objects
operationalized through a consistent process of decision making.
Methodological Objectives:
1 Study of human actions Vocational /Professional-type
Socio-Occupational, in personal Inter-and Intra-Economic-media personal relationships.
2 Critical analysis of the social, academic and
occupational discourse of contemporary society.
3 Application of analytical methods of personal
4 Application of methods for school development
in their academic staff and socio-affective dimensions.
5. Psychosocial, academic and occupational
analysis of contemporary society, by means of building orientation axes (topographic Focus)
enabling critically analyze ethical features (General the obligation) and ethical-ideological
(Theory of Moral Development) of society of the second modernization" (descriptive
ethics) in relation to Human Needs axiological-existential, personal desires
and attitudinal / behavioral and cognitive characteristics of school(personality
psychology and development) as social beings and depending construction of life
projects as transitional objects operationalized through a genuine process of
making decision."
The methodological objectives raised above
assume the pedagogical adaptation to identity characteristics (skills,
attitudes, Learning, Worldviews, Expectations, Motivations, Needs) of the
school population; discursively constructed identities in each age level for
cycle and education in relation to the offers and demands academic and socio
economic conditions of access and funding of higher education expressed by
means of mass media.
Here we mean the concept of critical analysis
of social discourse, as the process of analysis and discussion of the
Inter-personal psychosocial demands (The "Should Be" in contemporary
society), which represent the expectations and demands with which it is
confronted daily and simultaneously the individual, built by the actors of
civil society represented by the educational community (family, peers,
partners, teachers, guidance counselors, religious communities, civil
Also the method is extended to the
analysis of institutional discourse media- (Official speeches), around topics
related to the choice of occupation, profession or career for parties of
schoolchildren, under the Ethical and existential conflict "“Should Be”
–“want To Be” axis for the social construction of life projects in the search
for meaning to life to the extent that builds a" Being able to "not
only for the individual but for society that frames it. Such speeches
(intrapersonal, interpersonal and institutional), are studied based on the
categories of rationality adapted continuous raised by Alexander Ruiz Silva citing
Figure 3. Continuous Rationality versus human actions
Vocational / Professional type, Socio-Occupational.
(Adaptation )
(Adaptation )
Ideological POSITION
Moral discourse
relationships built under the criteria of control and manipulation.
relationships built on criteria of dissent and consensus and agreement.
Practitioners. Criteria
Relationships of convenience
The utility, profit,
The rational, the reasonable, plausible.
Personal benefit
Pure spontaneity
Short term personal
Search results
Argument, the
PHASE 2 . Self-recognition (Intra-personal
Personal process of self-recognition of
attitudes, skills, learning, expectations, motivations and worldviews in
relation to the general social needs, the specific requirements of occupational
fields of interest (Should Be) and personal development needs (Will be) .The
intrapersonal factors considered are those personality traits (Attitudes,
Skills, general and specific Learning, Expectations, Interests, Motivations,
Needs Worldviews and axiological) constitute the identities and subjectivities
of social being.
Intersubjective process of negotiation,
adaptation and construction of alternative intra-personal speeches, relating to
the various interpersonal and media discourses as forms of responses to those
requirements posed by the mediate and immediate environment in which the
individual moves as a social in the search for meaning of facts and ideas that
constitute the perceived social reality. The economic and media, involved in
the construction of discourse Vocational / Professional / Socio-Occupational
factors represent the demands of civil society relating to the socioeconomic
development of the country, represented by the expectations of the company,
government institutions, Non-Governmental Institutions (NGOs), institutions of
higher education, expressed as media discourse related to vocational / career
choices of school and their future careers.
Once such contrasting, you can establish a
relatively stable as a transitional object that enables the university
professional or Professional psychosocial progress towards higher education in
their technical-professional levels, Socio-Technological occupational decision
Vocational / Professional.
Psychosocial working implementation process of
interpersonal constructed socially speeches in an attempt to bridge the
existential breach between the "Want To Be and Should Be" by making
sustainable choices (able to be) called "career choice" as the
satisfier existential need of critical opinion "Being", objectified
in the needs of " To have", " To Do " and " To
Professional Vocation
and Moral Development
In this proposal, the perspective of normative
ethics consists of the Cartesian axes crossing the “Duty theory”, (located so
Horizontal) and the vertical axis (axiological) for ideological analysis, is appropriated ,based
on the study of the social occupational analysis of characteristics of the contemporary
society and culture of the second
modernity as it allows to build the different theoretical perspectives for
building projects life.
In the following map built on two major axes:
The vertical axis describes the continuum of rationality proposed by Ruiz Silva
and correlated with levels of moral development Kohlberg ends with the
conceptual worldviews related to the future (Utopianism-Nihilism) and
construction of life projects and the horizontal axis describing the
existential conflict with conceptual extremes: [Self-determinism (will be) -
Social Determinism (Should be ) .It looking at this map describe the different
possible types of arguments that are used to decision support vocational /
occupational and vocational regarding the acceptability of social pressure represented
by the educational community and state institutions (Horizontal Axis) type.
Figure 4. Social Determinism and Moral Development Map.
(Should Be)
Stage 6: The universal ethical-principle orientation. Right
is defined by the decision of conscience in accord with self-chosen ethical
principles that appeal to logical comprehensiveness, universality, and
consistency. These principles are abstract and ethical (the Golden Rule, the
categorical imperative); they are not concrete moral rules like the Ten
Commandments. At heart, these are universal principles of justice, of the
reciprocity, and equality of the human rights,
Stage 5: The social-contract legalistic orientation
(generally with utilitarian overtones). Right action tends to be defined in
terms of general individual rights and standards that have been critically
Stage 4: The "law and order" orientation. The
individual is oriented toward authority, fixed rules, and the maintenance of
the social order. Right behavior consists in doing one's duty, showing
respect for authority, and maintaining the given social order for its own
Stage 3: The interpersonal concordance or "good
boy-nice girl" orientation. Good behavior is what pleases or helps
others and is approved by them. There is much conformity to stereotypical
images of what is majority or "natural" behavior.
Stage 2: The instrumental relativist orientation. Right
action consists of what instrumentally satisfies one's own needs and
occasionally the needs of others. Human relations are viewed in terms such as
those of the market place. Elements of fairness, reciprocity, and equal
sharing are present, but they are always interpreted in a physical, pragmatic
way. Reciprocity is a matter of "you scratch my back and I'll scratch
your", not loyalty, gratitude, or justice.
Stage 1: The punishment and obedience orientation. The
physical consequences of action determine its goodness or badness regardless
of the human meaning or value of these consequences.
Level (Adaptation)
Stage. 0. Do not act based on legal or social conventions,
but based on the chords or disagree with the moral demands of society
Economists personal interests.
Model Requirements and
Like any program, this proposal requires a high
level of training or specific update from the professionals in charge, in the
areas of Intrapersonal Psychology (Development of Auto-Image, Self-Esteem), contemporary
Sociology and Pedagogy in order to fully address the theme. Also requires a
minimum of five (5) face sessions for each working group and the development of
a minimum of ten (10) non-contact activities evaluated for each student,
developed in transitional periods (after each educational cycle as is
established in each region), which constitutes an advantage since no permanent
interventions are required throughout the educative process. This Orientation
process could be developed outside school hours thus avoiding the displacement
of class hours required areas of the education system formal, with different
professional than regular staff of the school counseling teams from schools,
thus creating specialized teams of vocational/professional and
Socio-occupational orientation as developed in Denmark.
Final comments
The seriousness of the issue is contradicted in
the daily practice of trial and error and feature improvisation of Latino
culture in the whole process of project construction of life, from any point of
view is an individual process as involving the family involved the whole
society, which is expected to generate in all the spheres of government as a
social mobilization that basically we are talking about the construction of
country and nation.
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